I pulled a disappearing act for a bit.  Whoops?

I finished the beaded scarf, though I’m not sure where my finished picture of it is.

I’m almost finished with a sock — my first sock!  I’m rapidly approaching the toes.

I’m also crocheting a bath poof for my husband.  He likes them and destroys them.  Maybe this one will last a bit longer.

…and I have a small order for some Dammit Dolls with some odd specifications, i.e. really long hair they can be swung around by.  Whatever floats your rage-filled hearts. ^_^;

Things are still chaotic: one wedding down, one to go.  I’ve been perpetually exhausted but whatever, it’ll pass.

Now for a survey that I obviously stole from a friend on Facebook while my hubs tries out the elliptical machine he HAD to have yet I HAD to assemble.  Hopefully it doesn’t break. :X



1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Water and migraine preventative medication

2. Do you sleep naked? Depends.  Not usually but sometimes it’s too durn hot and I feel like I’m being choked.

3. Worst physical pain you ever felt? Ovarian torsion resulting in organ death

4. Favorite place you have been? Downpatrick Head, Ireland.  I don’t know what it was about that turf but it was amazing.

5. How late did you stay up last night? 5:30 a.m.  I’m rocking the insomnia!

6. If you could move somewhere else where would it be? Scotland, loved it there

7. Which of your Facebook friends lives the nearest you? Does my husband count?  He’s a friend on Facebook.  If he doesn’t count, I think it’s Andrea — an online friend I met in a quilt chatroom.

8. When was the last time you cried? I…can’t remember. I think it was at Rich’s wedding? Not because I was happy or sad, but because I had two epic panic attacks at his reception and tears happen when those come a’knockin’.

9. Who took your profile pic? Me.  My Facebook profile photo is a selfie.  How lame.

10. Two of your favorite movies? The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Boondock Saints

11. What’s your favorite season? Spring

12. If you could have any career what would it be? Conservation/Wildlife Biologist

13. What was the last book you read? A Man Called Ove

14. If you could talk to ANYONE right now, who would it be? That’s really, really hard.  I’m going to go with somebody that has a name that starts with K.  Living male or deceased female if the rules of this question go that way.  Your choice.  I talk to one pretty much every day and dream of the other pretty much every night.  It’s a weird life but I think they’re the only two people who’ve ever gotten me.  I can’t talk to one anymore because of the dead thing and even though she knew every. single. button. I had to push, I’d take that all over again…and I feel like an idiot some days because I just want to spam the other ’cause even when (and often especially when) he’s being an ass, it somehow makes me feel better.  I just like having people around that I don’t have to explain things to; they’re rare and special.

15. Are you a good influence? Depends on the person, I suppose.

16. Does pineapple belong on pizza? Never.

17. You have the remote, what channel would you be on? BBC — I have a problem binging the programs they put on Netflix and PBS.

18. Three people who you think will do this? Nobody

19. Last concert you went to? Celtic Woman on March 30.

20. Favorite type of food? Ugh, that’s hard.  I waffle between the down-home Southern cooking I grew up with and just about any kind of roughly Americanized Asian food.