Questions and a quilt

Relationship length: 11 years, good grief
Married: 6 years
Who’s older: Him
Age difference: 3 months
Who was interested first? I’m honestly not sure.  Mutual curiosity, perhaps?
Who’s taller: Him
Worst temper: Me
Most sensitive: Him
Loudest: HIM!!!
Funniest: Not sure. I’m more sarcastic/dry and he’s more doofy
Most stubborn: Me
Falls asleep first: Him
Cooks better: Me but he’s improving
Better singer: Oh good grief, neither.  A goat sings better than either of us.
Most adventurous: Oddly enough, I’m going to say me…unless it involves a phone.
Most organized: Me.  Me, me, me.
Better morning person: Definitely me.
Dresses the nicest: Day to day, him.  For fancy events, me.
Most protective: Me
Best driver: Me!  Though he’s so much better now than when I met him
Has the most clothes: Oh, that one’s tough.  Gonna guess me?
Most competitive: Him.  Holy crap it’s him.


…and since I promised a bit of eye candy, here’s the lap quilt I sent to my Grandmother for Christmas.  Blue is her favorite color and she likes to keep a blanket or quilt on the back of the couch she likes to sit on.


We’re a Couple of Misfits

Hubs wanted to spice things up food wise — we do eat pretty wild and free and I’m comfortable cooking pretty much anything.

His biggest gripe is always that I never cook enough fish (I only like a few kinds) and that we never seem to have a bajillion vegetables (medically I can only eat ones that have been peeled and cooked).  He’d be over the moon happy to be a pescatarian.  I, on the other hand, not so much.

We have an impasse.  I cook some sort of seafood at least once a week and almost always make his lunches for work seafood based with tons of veggies.  I’ll make seafood more often if I’m feeling spunky or if I can find one of the types I enjoy for sale — most grocery stores aren’t stocking sole and grouper around here.

…but I did pick up two pounds of sole today at the fish market!!!  I almost bought some grouper but it was almost $27 a pound right now.  Eek!  I also got hubs a dozen oysters as a treat — they’re waiting for him to crack open as an appetizer before dinner.

He never complains about the food that is served, he just wants a bigger variety of things I can (and can’t) eat.

I have a huge chest freezer stuffed to the gills with meat.  We buy everything on sale and I shop the freezer before meal planning every week.  It’s the only way we can get the huge variety of food that hubs wants to eat without breaking the food budget.

So, in an attempt to assuage his whiny self about more vegetables, I bought a delivery service box.  Why not?  If it’s in the house, I’ll use it.  If not, I’ll stick to the same stuff I always get.

I started with a small box from misfitsmarket.  The box cost $23.75, I had a $5 coupon, and shipping was $4.50….grand total of $23.25.  If you subscribe, it’s $19 instead of 23.75 base price.


I haven’t liked food delivery things in the past, but I will say this one impressed me.  The only veg that I wouldn’t have picked myself was the monster zucchini — it’s going to be loaded with seeds but I should still be able to use it in a stirfry.  All of the packaging is compostable or recyclable, so I’m also pretty durn happy about that.

I weighed everything out and they sent 12 pounds 3.25 ounces worth of vegetables — the box promised between 10 and 12 pounds.  Then, because I’m me, I priced out the difference.

$23.25 from misfitmarket, $26.86 for the same weight of vegetables from my normal grocery store (including member discount).  There are two caveats: my store isn’t offering romaine lettuce right now so I just used the closest in price….AND I used non-organic vegetables for my store pricing — the variety simply doesn’t exist in my normal store.  The in-store price would be way higher if it was all organic there.

Overall, I’d do it again.  If these vegetables go down easily this week, I know I could be on board with the two boxes a month subscription.

Hubs is very, very excited.  He’s going to be using some of the romaine on open-faced sandwiches tonight (I can’t eat lettuce so it’s a rare treat for him!) and I have tuna and avocado cups on the menu for tomorrow’s lunch.

Bah humbug

Our Christmas travel plans were cancelled this year.

I’m kind of sad but I’m mostly okay with it.  I’ll miss seeing my Grandmother but it’ll be nice not having to do a mad-dash drive across the eastern seaboard for once.

Also, because I don’t have to worry about packing…I have time for crafting!

I finished my Sheherazade shawl.  FINALLY!!!


That’s hot off the needles.  It took forever to do the elastic cast-off.  Forever.

I’ll wet and block it tomorrow.  I’m kind of excited!  There are a lot of little points to fiddle with on the edge, so it’ll either drive me nuts or be a ton of fun.

I also have a few other projects I’ve finished and some more things on the hook, needles, and sewing machine beds.  I’ll try to get my act together soon and take a few more photos to share.